Saturday, 18 February 2012


Maqui Berry is a known fruit with highest antioxidant ….. this has struck my mind with many questions. First of all, I need to know what is “ Antioxidant ”.

Frankly, I do know antioxidant purposes & benefits in fuels, jet fuels, gasoline and lubricants. Now, what type of antioxidant do living things like us need? & what does antioxidant do in our body?
Before we know what antioxidant is, let’s understand oxidation coz antioxidant come from word “anti” & “oxidant”.

Oxidation is a process of interaction between oxygen molecules and all the different substances they may contact, from metal to living tissue. We do learn this in primary school, don’t we?

For example: We cut an apple, after a while, it turns brown. Bare Metal will rust if we do not protect it (rust color is brown). Let see from other angle, we inhale air and exhale air. Some oxidation happens at DNA & tissues level, where in extreme level i.e. oxidative stress, leads to chronic diseases ie Cancer, Cardiovascular etc. Oxidation reactions are crucial for life but can also be damaging.

Antioxidant, on the otherhand, inhibiting oxidation. In lay man term, prevent “cuts of apple to turn brown”. Imagine what antioxidant can do to our tissue cells & DNA….? Prevent it from damage & towards some extend could repair it. Doesn’t it sound very important to our modern living style?

In general, there are 2 main general division of antioxidant. The classification is based on its solubility in waters and lipids. Fruits and vegetables are the source of antioxidant.

Diets high in fruits & vegetables, which are high in antioxidants, promote health & reduce the effects of aging. Different fruits & vegetables have different antioxidant strength. Industry measurement in assessing the antioxidant strength in food is called ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). Simply, the higher the ORAC number means the higher antioxidant strength.

Low level of antioxidants leads to oxidative stress, which, may damage or kill cells. That’s why, scientist claims oxidative stress will leads to damage in DNA, can cause cancer. Deficiency in antioxidant always been linked to these chronic diseases:-
a. Alzheimer
b. Parkinson
c. Pathologies caused by diabetes
d. Rheumatoid Arthritis
e. Stroke and neurodegeneration in motor neuron
f. Cardiovascular
g. Noise induced hearing loss
h. Liver
i. Altitude sickness
j. Antioxidants are also commonly been used by medical practitioner as medications to treat various form of brain injury.

As a matter of fact, Antioxidant protects DNA from oxidative stress. Maqui Berry is the known fruit that has the highest (strongest) level of antioxidant ie highest ORAC. Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia and all over the world i.e. USA, UK, South America, UAE, Japan etc could benefit from this Maqui Berry for stronger and healthier life.
Maqui Berry
You can get the Best Antioxidant i.e. Patagonian Maqui Berry from here. Click here

Maqui Berry
Picture from Wikipedia

Pic from Wikipedia

Next article, BERRY. Always check it out !

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